Wednesday, 23 November 2016

           One cannot help but wonder where this generation is heading to.The society has gone haywire by not only promoting vain personalities as role models (check my article on VMA award night, a show of nakedness), but accepting vain programmes and everything distasteful on media.In fact, the media is responsible for  a lot of horribble  occurences in our society today.That would be a topic for another day.That the media is responsible for mass corruption, is no excuse for your very own indulgence!There are so many'viruses', but one deadly virus that eats up the mentality  is PORNOGRAPHY!And when I am talking about pornography I am not just talking about the extreme  ones here .Let us check out the literal meaning of  pornography.This is the meaning from dictionary. Com

 Pornography involves SEXUALLY  explicit photographs, writings, videos or the  like, whose PURPOSE is to elicit sexual arousal.

 Now you see the meaning of pornography has been rarely 'applied'.PORNOGRAPHY means anything on DISPLAY that is intended to cause immediate sexual arousal.What does this mean?Your favorite teen, love story or soap opera might be pornography!Your  wonderful role model might be a porn star.Maybe that is why our generation is so 'animalistic' in sexualization .Rape   of three year olds, casual sex and sexual slavery is now so common. Sex  is supposed to be a wonderful act sealed by marriage. Check out this pictures to  see what I mean
Isn't this so odd.Thanks to Kim, she broke the internet. 
This is just a normal photoshoot for an interview!Thanks to Miley Cyrus. 
Will Smith and his nude agenda. .   This doesn't exclude movies ,especially tv programmes which usually have a brainwashing agenda to instill vanity and lust in the minds of impressionable youths
Will Smith in his infamous movie scene... 
All these are causing problems within our society,  We are slowly embracing thahypersexuality,bestiality,murder,rape,sodomy and vulgarity.It is now being accepted as entertainment.No one is vigilant anymore, because we have been desensitized a long time ago.This is what one can call 'brainwashing'.I mean even when we were  little children,we were fed with 'cool' garbage.I mean just take a look at this critically.
This is from the manipulative industry;DISNEY.This is from peter pan-I  mean when is our society going to wake up?We have very young, innocent children being fed with this over sexualized imagery.No wonder four year olds are caught in the bathroom fondling each other!Before I go further, let me give the average pornography statistics, based solely on hard core pornography.

 * As far as online pornography is concerned,from 2001 to 2007, the internet porn industry went from a $1 billion-a-year industry to $3-billion-a-year industry in the US alone!
* 79%of porn stars have used marijuana, 50% have used ecstasy,44% have used cocaine and 39%have used hallucinogens.
* 1in 8 searches online are for erotic content!
* More than one million hits on Google searches (on mobile devices alone), are for porn!
* 35% of teen boys say they have viewed porn videos too many times to count!
* 64-68% of young adult men use porn at least once a week.(

   This shows you just how immoral our society is.Did I just tell you porn is available for children too? If you still trust the 'kind' media personnels,check out these 'innocent' pictures.

They also make use of subliminal messages,you can check out 'subliminal messages in media' to understand what it is about.Below,we see a male genitalia engraved in a cartoon's face

This is so terrible and it is a pity that our society is completely desensitized.Thank God for the True Life website.Let us go further.You see this in movies and the most poular tv shows and soap operas and even in News!You got me?News ! Our morality has been so degraded that the elite now control us.This is so sad.Look at this reporters and tell me if these women don't look like sex starved individuals.These days,nearly everything on tv is corrupt

We need a true change in our society and it starts with you being aware and taking eprecautions. Let us not be ruled by the TV box, let us exercise control of whatever we assimilate.It might seem like a harmless picture or movie, but it has far reaching effects.Our subconscious mind so powerful,when it starts absorbing these messages,it starts reflecting in your in your everyday life!Let us now check out the terrible effects of pornography.

Pornography has a way of desroying the viewer's life .Pornogaphy  destroys the role of women in the society, because women are viewed merely as sex objects,it is dehumanizing ,we need to cry out!For some people who might start thinking it is 'good' but it is only meant for adults.This is not true!Pornography is not meant for adults!Porn adults!Pornography is meant for no one!Let me shock you, pornography  can destroy any loving,stable family!Can't we see the high divorce rates?Aren't we thinking anymore?Let us wake up and put an end to this lie.Pornography is highly addictive,time consuming and wasteful.Pornography destroy its users mentality.When we see the high rates of teenage pregnancies,we cannot help but wonder.Isn't anybody thinking anymore?Another shocker-most adult men that view pornography,always have problems wih their spouse.In extreme cases,the husband or even the wife refuses to have sex with the patner!Adult men
Can become so addicted to masturbation because of high pornography content, that they suffer from low sperm count.Pornography has very far reaching effects and when an addicted person who thinks he is so 'free' tries to get out, it becomes nearly impossible.Pornography also abuses and manipulates the so- called celebrities   that engage in it.They are being fooled into it and can hardly get out because they are sometimes threatened! Because of money and fame, these people are exploited,but you are also exploited due to IGNORANCE!

    A message to every sane human out there; let us stop helping the elites to  accomplish their new world order agenda!Let us have the control, ourseves.Let us stand and speak against sexually explicit images and sexually suggestive songs for a safer society
For those that are addicted to pornography and want freedom, visit this page; can check this on a seatch engine too).Love you all..

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